Sunday, April 20, 2014


No one will probably ever read the words I'm about to write. I know this. Ironically, the phase of my life I'm currently in includes A LOT of denial. This denial aids my effort in hoping someone will magically find these posts and make the time I'm spending right now worth while. Yeah, I know - whether someone does or does not read my post shouldn't determine the value of my thoughts. Yet, it does. I'm also in a very insecure phase of my life, too. I'm going through a mid-20s life crisis, if that exists. Pathetic, I know.

I'm 26. When I was younger I thought that I would have the world figured out by now. Yes, I was and still am an idiot in many ways. More than a decade later I'm STILL struggling to understand myself and others around me. Why are people so damn complicated? I can't seem to crack any understanding of the few people I have in my life. I still can't understand the adult world I've supposedly been involved in for the past 8 years. It's weird.

I know that anyone that has reached this point has already come to the conclusion that I'm a 20-something with inconsistent grammar and a rather unimpressive (boring) outlook on life. I've never been clubbing. I've never gone to a concert. I've never been drunk. I've never been "high" (quoting it makes me that more prudish). Social settings scare me. I don't even participate in social media. I'm a 20-something - I should be experimenting, staying out late, socializing and boozing it up.

It is because of this that I will be challenging myself. I'm going to say, "yes," to every adventure that presents itself to me. I'm going to go out of my way to do at least 1 thing I haven't done, or have been wanting to do, everyday. Of course, I won't be posting on here daily because I want to give the illusion that I have a busy, social life. I don't, but it will make me feel that much better about myself.

Until then, imaginary readers.